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Get the ONE-ON-ONE experience for 1/2 the price!

How We Made One on ONE training  affordable & effective for over 50 clients?

Simple. We know that the cost of one-one-one training is expensive! You can expect to pay anywhere from $60-$80+ per hour. So in order to maintain the same quality of attention and personalization, we have developed Semi-private training. With this you will share the studio and the coach with us to 4 others at the same time of your session. Each member still have their OWN personal program different from anyone else. You essentially split the cost of the coaches time with other members no matter if you are the only 1 signed up that session or among 5 others. You still pay the split rate! 

Julia is WELL trained and experienced with managing multiple programing and with our studio, it makes it very easy and effective for many members to have their private space, equipment and attention with instruction. So you pay less and get that one-on-one value!

Meet: Shay
Meet: Sarah
Meet: Layla
What to Expect
  • Custom Programing: Have your own personal designed program catered to your personal needs and individual goals. 
  • ​Private Training: Share your session with at most 4 other members at one time. You will all be doing your own thing under the coaches instruction, you're just sharing the studio and coaches time with a few others to reduce YOUR cost but NOT your experience
  • MAPS testing: All members on packages or membership will be tested. This includes your body fat, weight, measurements and a physical fitness assessment. We repeat these tests every 12 weeks to make sure we are seeing progress together. Think of it like a fitness report card to hold BOTH trainer and member accountable to their goals.
  • Discounted Benefits: As a member of semi-private training you are a Motivators member. This means you can drop into classes for only $10/session (usually $20) for up to 4x a month. You also get the discounted rates on ALL nutrition and promotional challenges we run throughout the year!
  • ​NO CONTRACT: All members are here because they WANT to be here. We do not bind you by a contract. You may cancel, upgrade, downgrade or freeze membership at any time.
  • Flexible and easy scheduling: With our private app, fitDEGREE you can view our schedule, register/cancel your own sessions, see special announcements, add friends and see when they are training, chat with friends via app and more!
Coach Julia

Take one look at Julia and you know you are in the right hands. This proud mama of a little boy named Luca has spent many hours devoted to perfecting and learning proper form and technique in the gym. Her dedication to herself and personal growth is inspiring and motivating.

Julia have been a trainer for over 5 years and has helped sculpt, shape, tone and grow many bodies of all ages and sizes. Her specialty is focused on strength training and mobility. So if you suffer from an injury or ailment, she knows just the right technique and stretching balance to ensure safety, recovery and development.

Recently Julia has joined the Motivators team and we couldn't be more honored to have her. She is a wonderful addition that adds tremendous value to our clients. She is a hidden gem of bucks county.


All drop in sessions are $55 for 60 minutes

4 sessions per month

equivalent but not restricted
to coming 1x/week


* sessions expire every 30 days (do not carry over)

sessions per month

equivalent but not restricted
to coming 2x/week


* sessions expire every 30 days (do not carry over)

12 sessions per month

equivalent but not restricted
to coming 3x/week


* sessions expire every 30 days (do not carry over)

ALL memberships are billed every month. UN-used sessions do not carry over. Memberships DO NOT have a contract. You may cancel, upgrade, or downgrade at anytime about a 3 month commitment (you must have committed to 3 months before you can cancel). Freezing memberships for vacations or summer is always an option. *** These rates are based on 4 week months. 

***For consistent use, member may find one 5 weeks months they are 1-2 sessions short. In this case, membership can be pushed forward early OR can purchase the extra needed sessions for the rate per session based upon the membership enrolled and NOT at the $50 drop in rate. 


All drop in sessions are $55 for 60 minutes

Package of 10 sessions

not billed monthly and do not expire every month


* sessions expire after 3 months

Package of 20 sessions

not billed monthly and do not expire every month


* sessions expire after 6 months

ALL packages are purchased by the member. Packages are not automatically billed when you run out. Therefore member must repurchase package every time they run out and would like to get more. 
View our Schedule

Look for Julia & Semi-Private Classes for your options. Other sessions are part of our Group Fitness Classes

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